Passing of a dear friend of EC
January 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Completed Special Events
It is with great sadness that Ewam Choden announces the passing of Wolfgang Saumweber.
Wolf succumbed to cancer this morning January 21st.
Wolf was a student of Lama Kunga Rinpoche and a great friend and supporter of our community. A dedicated dharma practitioner, he particularly benefited our Center by working with Lama Kunga Rinpoche on the editing of sadhanas. His elaborate and colorful layouts are now the standard for EC sadhanas.
Wolf also created and maintained Ewam Choden’s first website and generously established numerous Vajrayana websites
Wolfgang will be greatly missed.
We ask for your prayers to assist him during this transition, and may all the great works he performed bring benefit to him, his wife Linda, and his family.
His Holiness Dalai Lama with Wolf
January 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Completed Special Events
While Rinpoche is receiving medical treatments, we will still continue our traditional Sunday Chenrezig meditation, which will also include a brief Medicine Buddha recitation. Beginning at 10 a.m., these sessions will be lead by Rinpoche’s senior students. Click here for more info