COMPLETED Ven. LAMA JAMPA THAYE teaches at Ewam Choden on April 6th and 7th, 2013

March 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Completed Special Events

This event has been successfully completed, many thanks to Lama Jampa.

Saturday, 4/6 from 1 to 4 p.m. Lama Jampa will speak on The RiMe approach to Buddhist Practice     

Sunday, 4/7 from 1 to 4 p.m. Lama Jampa will speak on Rangtong and Shentong: 2 Approaches to Ultimate Reality

Requested Donation for this Event is $30 for one day or $50 for both days, and
$20 per day for youth (24 years and under), seniors and EC members.

See below for more information about the teachings and 

for Lama Jampa Thaye’s biographical information

OR CLICK HERE to Download Flyer for this Event



Rime – The Inclusivist Approach

The Rime or ‘boundaryless’ movement began in the 19 century. It was not a new school but rather a move away from the narrow mindedness of sectarian rivalry and  a recognition of the power inherent in the teachings of all the major Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
Lama Jampa will guide us through the Three Vehicles that are common to all the major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and explain how the Rime spirit is so important for the proper development of Tibetan dharma in the West today. Lama Jampa will also focus on the three major figures who introduced the Rime movement: the Sakyapa Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo; the Kagyupa Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye; and the Nyingmapa terton Chogyur Dechen Lingpa.

Rangtong and Shentong

In this teaching, Lama Jampa will explore the highest view regarding the true nature of mind and reality, the Middle Way View (Skt. Madhyamaka).  A correct understanding of the view is essential to the development of meditative realization in both the ordinary (Paramitayana) and extraordinary (Vajrayana) meditative practices of Buddhism.  Lama Jampa will illustrate the profundity of the view through delineating two subtly different presentations, the view of intrinisic emptiness (Rangtong) and the view of extrinsic emptiness (Shentong).  Great Buddhist masters in Tibetan spiritual history have held either one or the other position.


Lama Jampa Thaye is a scholar and meditation master trained in the Sakya and Kagyu traditions by his two principal teachers,  His Holiness
Sakya Trizin and Karma Thinley Rinpoche.  Born in England in 1952, he became a student of Rinpoche at the age of 20 and met His Holiness a year later.
Lama Jampa obtained his PhD in Tibetan Buddhist history and served as Lecturer of Buddhist Studies and the History of Ideas for over twenty
years at the University of Manchester. He was appointed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche as his dharma-regent in 1977 and given the authority to bestow vajrayana initiations in 1988.  Since then he has traveled extensively giving teachings and initiations and is the author of numerous books and dharma treatises. His many dharma activities include a YouTube channel where his teachings can be heard.
The main website for his centers is


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