September 9, 2018 by bhockman
Filed under Completed Empowerments
Ven. Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche will kindly bestow the Empowerment of Jetsun Milarepa Guru Yoga on Sunday, December 16, 2018 at Ewam Choden.
The starting time is 1:00 pm. Please arrive early to register at the door.
The requested donation is $30. Dana (offering) to the lama is separate.
Everyone is welcome. There is no prerequisite. A practice sadhana will be given and explained.
The empowerment may be received as a blessing.
Jetsun Milarepa (Tibetan: རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་ལ་རས་པ) was a Tibetan siddha, who, guided by his guru Marpa, changed from being a young angry murderer to a Buddhist yogi, finally becoming fully accomplished.
In the Foreword to his book, Drinking the Mountain Stream, Lama Kunga Rinpoche writes:
“Milarepa is one the most celebrated spiritual teachers of all time. He was not only an eminent leader of the Kagyu lineage, but also a very important teacher for all schools of Tibetan Buddhism…..He was a man of three powers. His body was equivalent to the body of Vajrapani, his voice was the voice of Manjushri, and his hearing was the hearing of Avalokiteshvara.”
In the Guru Yoga Empowerment and practice, as we praise the guru for all of his qualities and accomplishments, we are able to imbibe their power and to gain a spark of understanding.
What makes this empowerment especially unique is that our guru, Ven. Lama Kunga Rinpoche, was recognized as a reincarnation of Seben Repa, one of Milarepa’s heart sons.
This event is not to be missed!