LAMA KUNGA RINPOCHE WILL OFFER MEDITATION and TEACHING on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025 from 10:00 am to noon, Pacific Standard time.

November 20, 2024 by  
Filed under Special Events

Everyone is invited to attend by following these instructions.
Please read everything.

The ZOOM address and Meeting ID are here below, but if you are new, you need to request a password. Get the password by emailing Ewam Choden, and requesting it in advance. <> PLEASE NOTE: If you’re new to the Center, you may be asked for some information about yourself.

THE SESSION includes teachings that are different each week, meditation based on the compassion of Chenrezig, and recitations. Everything to recite is shown clearly on the screen.

PLEASE USE YOUR REAL NAME for the Zoom room.
You may log in shortly before the scheduled start and wait. Please don’t be late. The session begins on time.

Please mute yourselves (the moderator will control microphones for all). Although we enjoy reciting aloud together, this sound interferes with the Zoom transmission .

When Rinpoche arrives, he’d like to see everyone, so please keep your video on. Then, if you wish, you may close it until the dedication at the end.

At the end of the meditation, we will again turn on our videos for Rinpoche to see everyone again and we will unmute for recitation of the Dedication and Long Life prayers.


If you don’t have Zoom, GET THE ZOOM application in order to be ready.

TO Join The Zoom MEDITATION Meeting: Use the link at the time of the meeting. The link doesn’t work until that time.

Log in and follow the message that says to wait until the room opens and you are admitted.

Join Zoom Meeting here:

Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking the following URL.


Meeting ID: 927 7324 2520
A password is not needed

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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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Meeting ID: 927 7324 2520
Passcode: Request by emailing EC
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Meeting ID: 927 7324 2520

Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig)


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